Welcome to Wellness - January/February 2014

Holy Cow! Happy 2014! It's hard to believe we're entering the second month of the new year! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! We've taken some time to reflect on this past year and would like to share some of our thoughts with you. As you know, our highlight from of 2013 was, of course, moving into our brand new home last February. Yep! We're getting ready to celebrate our first year here already!! We want to take a minute to thank all of you for the cards, gifts, words of encouragement and support of our business over the year and especially during the holiday season. We had a great turn out for our Holiday Open House, in spite of freezing weather, and hope all of you can join us next year. We are continuously amazed and humbled by your support. Most of us make New Year's resolutions like eating healthier, exercising more, staying touch with friends and family, or being more positive. We start out strong on January 1st, and within a few weeks our good intentions fall by the wayside. How about making a resolution to actually stick to ONE resolution! It helps break down a big goal (like losing 20 pounds or running a 5k), to smaller goals (like drinking more water with added lemon essential oil to promote weight loss or walking 10 minutes daily). Try to send a text, email or call to a different person you've been meaning to stay in touch with each day. We always say we're too busy, but who knows how that surprise contact might affect someone's day.

We're happy to announce we've raised enough funds for our first Project Ignite recipient. The donations have come from salon patrons who have purchased the little items made by some of our staff (campfire starters, air fresheners, and "Plarneys"). The Bella Zenn staff is ready to take nominations for a person who you feel is deserving of an hour of pampering in our Salon Spa. We would like to keep the names of those selected confidential and anonymous so just mention this person to our salon staff and we will consider them for this special treat.

Looking ahead, we are excited to be part of Destination Medford: Women's Weekend again on February 21-23. We will be hosting morning and afternoon classes featuring Essential Oils for a Healthy Home and Beauty School 101, as well as being a stop on the Saturday evening wine walk...visit the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce site for all the details.

One of our resolutions is to offer more product knowledge to you! We are introducing an Oil of the Month feature in this monthly newsletter. We hope to provide useful information on the therapeutic benefits of a particular oil, practical uses and in-salon purchase offers.


As you may know, frankincense has been in use for thousands of years. We are familiar with the biblical accounts of the gifts the Magi brought to baby Jesus. There are two types of frankincense essential oil commonly available: boswellia carteri and boswellia sacra (or sacred frankincense). It is also available in a resin form, that can be burned in a special burner. Both of the oils have an earthy, balsamic scent. The oil had calming properties that can promote spirituality and inner strength. It is used to support skin health, and ongoing research has shown it promotes cell regeneration and has anti-cancer properties. It promotes, slow. deep breathing. The "sacra: variety enhances a meditation/prayer/reflection experience to a higher level.

SPECIAL: 10% off any Frankincense in store while supplies last

As always, we hope you enjoyed reading this edition of Welcome to Wellness!