Wellness Wednesday ~ September 2012

September, Ahhh… The time of year to slow down after the hustle and bustle of another busy summer. September also means, for many, back to school; back to football, apple orchards with fresh brewed apple cider and all things fall.  What is it about the warm golden days,  cool evenings and rustling leaves that make this time of year so wonderful?  Whatever it is, we hope you can take time to enjoy the peacefulness as the Earth slowly “falls” asleep.

We took a little break from our traditional Wellness Wednesday format last month to tell you about all the exciting things happening at BellaZenn SalonSpa (a.k.a. the SalonSpa at Eartha Naturals). We can’t thank you enough for your continued patience as we make necessary changes to ensure the best experience and service at our SalonSpa.  We are blessed to work with you, our client friends, and couldn’t do what we do, without you!

And now, without further adieu, here’s an edition loaded with brain healthy things! We found a super food charged recipe, a fun brain boosting activity and SalonSpa services you won’t want to miss!

Welcome to Wellness

Our GOOD FOR YOU RECIPE this month is by Alisa Fleming of One Frugal Foodie (www.onefrugalfoodie.com) and author of Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook. Nutritious ingredients  get blended so smoothly into dairy free goodness you won’t even know you’re drinking health!

True Blue Smoothie

 Ingredients: 1 medium  very ripe banana, broken into chunks, 1 cup frozen blueberries, ½ to 1 cup unsweetened, plain or vanilla milk alternative (almond milk, coconut milk beverage and rice milk go nicely), ½ cup packed fresh baby spinach leaves, ½ cup ice

Directions: Toss the banana, blueberries, ½ cup of the milk alternative into a blender, and process until smooth. Add the spinach and any optional add-ins (see below), and blend until those little green specks vanish.  Do not blend in too much “milk” at the beginning if you have a wimpy blender. You need some thickness to help grab and chop all of the spinach bits. If it is too liquidy at first, you may end up with chunks of spinach! Once everything is pureed, blend in more milk alternative until it reaches your desired consistency. If you’d like, blend in some ice for a frostier treat.

 Optional Add-ins: sweetener, to taste (we like Sugar in the Raw or  Stevia), 1 tablespoon ground flax seed, ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 to 2 tablespoon(s) protein powder of choice.

*If you’re not dairy free, never fear, this DOES taste de-lish with milk from a cow too!


Do you like games? We hope so! We like fun games that help your brain stay strong.  Our GOOD FOR YOU ACTIVITY is Sudoku. According to an article at www.myhealthdeck.com titled The Benefits of Sudoku, researchers rank cracking sudoku puzzles daily among the top ten non-traditional and alternative ways to boosts brain power. We thought you’d enjoy  a brain workout, especially if you’re reading this at the salon while your color is processing J We do have the answer key available if you’d like to see how you did. 

































 * web search a Sudoku grid to understand it better. We couldn't get it to copy and paste to the blog :(


Anyone out the suffering from seasonal allergies (most commonly Hay fever)? If yes, ugh! We feel for you! Good news though - we do know of some natural ways to help ease your suffering!

We’ve mentioned this SalonSpa Service to Experience before but thought it was worth mentioning again since allergy sufferers often times get waxy ears from all the drainage.


What is it: Ear Candling ( also known as coning or ear funneling) has been practiced for centuries.  It is an ancient method of removing excess wax from the ear and promoting a sense of well being.

 What we do: In the privacy of our treatment room, the service provider will light a hollow candle made of muslin and beeswax and insert it into the ear. The heat from the candle creates a vacuum in the ear canal and draws out excessive earwax and other debris which may be present.

 Why we like it: Excessive earwax buildup can cause discomfort, headaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), or vertigo. Ear Candling may help alleviate these conditions.  Also, ear candling may draw out fungus, infection, Candida and other debris from the outer and inner ear canals and the Eustachian tube through osmosis. While many have found this service relaxing, safe and effective, this service should never replace medical treatment for a serious condition.


Thanks for reading this edition of Wellness Wednesday. This is brought to you by the Beauty and Wellness Professionals of BellaZenn SalonSpa. If you have any question please email us at earthasalonspa@yahoo.com. If you haven’t already, be sure to “like” us on Facebook! You can follow our Wellness Wednesday blog at, bellazennsalonspa.wordpress.com.

We hope your day is wonderfully well!