August 2013

As we enjoy these lingering days of summer with family and friends, we are starting to gear up for fall activities: back-to-school shopping and hair style spruce-ups, tailgating parties, end of the season camp-outs and cabin closings.

With camping in mind, we wanted to be sure you have all heard about our “Project Ignite”. It’s a way for us at Bella Zenn, to allow you to help us, help others. Our staff has made fire starters (from 100% recycled materials). These handy items make starting that bonfire or s’mores campfire a cinch. For a recommended donation of $1.00, you’ll have six fire starters. They are available in our Eco-Boutique. All of the proceeds will be turned into gift certificates for worthy candidates, to receive an hour of pampering with services of their choice. Nominees to receive these might include caregivers, persons with health issues, or anyone in need of an hour of “me” time, who might not otherwise have the financial means or mindset to treat themselves.

Once all of you moms have survived the annual back-to-school shopping expeditions, take time to reward yourselves with a facial or other relaxing spa treatment.Stop in and check out our in-house specials. Currently we have Scotch Naturals nail color on sale. Also, handmade terracotta aromatherapy pendants are 25% off. These may be worn as a necklace or hung in a room or car to disperse essential oils. Keep your eyes open for other specials that will be in the Star News and the insert, The Classic, featuring our newest Stylist Tara, our Nail Technician, Jane, and our certified Aromatherapist, Terri.

The Bella Zenn trip to Munson Bridge Winery was definitely a hit, and probably an annual event. We didn’t get quite enough people interested in riding the bus, so we went to Plan B and loaded several cars full. We are already brainstorming our next social outing.

With everyone so busy getting kids off to college and school, we have opted not to have a Wellness Class in August, but we will be posting dates soon for other fun and educational classes that our staff are preparing…(here’s a sneak preview; Dancing for Fun and Fitness, Beauty School 101, the Benefits of Feng Shui). And if any of our clients have ideas for classes that you would like us to offer, be sure to let us know.

We are planning to be a stop on Medford's City Wide Garage Sale September 6th from 8:00-5:00. Come see what gently-used clothes and accessories, household décor and other items that our gals have decided to part with.

We thought this healthy and simple –to- make recipe would be a good lunch box or after school treat..that is, if mom doesn’t polish them off first!

No-Bake Peanut Butter Energy Bites 1 C. dry oatmeal ½ C. chocolate chips ½ C. peanut butter ½ C. ground flax seed 1/3 C. honey 1 tsp vanilla Mix all ingredients well in large bowl. Take tablespoon of mixture(walnut-sized) and roll into balls. Chill.  Store in airtight container.

Be sure to keep up-to-date on the latest specials and class offerings by following us on Facebook (The Bella Zenn Salon and Spa) and our website ( and as always...... Be well!