Wellness Wednesday May 2012

Wellness Wednesday - May 2012

At Eartha Naturals we care about YOU! All of you - what you put inside of you as well as what you use on the outside. If you’re reading this, most likely you’ve been to Eartha and have experienced the difference - the natural, non-toxic difference. From our hair care products and cosmetics to the tea room teas and treats, we strive to use the purest ingredients. At Eartha Naturals, where natural is beautiful, we research our products first and then pass the knowledge to you.

We think it is safe to say Spring has sprung! The days are getting warmer and the light is lasting longer. The birds are back, everything is budding and we couldn’t be more excited to help you get your spring on!  This month’s Wellness Wednesday is jam packed with info to get you thinking Spring!  Dig in and read on, Wellness Seekers!

 Welcome to Wellness

Our GOOD FOR YOU ACTIVITY this month is GARDENING. Gardening is a pastime that can be enjoyed by almost anybody. Since there are various kinds of gardens, all types of people, from the very young to the very old, from very healthy to those with poor health or disability, can enjoy and reap the benefits of gardening.

Believe It or Not Benefits: Gardening has so many benefits we almost don’t know where to start! We’ll try to keep it simple and focus on the mind/body benefits. Studies show that gardening not only promotes physical health but mental health too! People who enjoy gardening may also enjoy better nutrition. Physically speaking, gardening often requires weight bearing activity (like carrying water to plants, pushing a wheel barrow or moving large potted plants). Activities such as these not only strengthen the heart and other muscles but can also strengthen our bones by increasing bone density.

Mental health is promoted through relaxation and satisfaction. Gardens can be sensual places, captivating us by engaging all of our senses. Nurturing a garden from seed to harvest can be very rewarding. We increase our connection to the environment through active living and have a stronger sense of well being. Simply spending time in a garden allows us to take time for ourselves and lets us tune into nature’s slower, gentler rhythms.

Nutritionally, research continues to show eating fresh fruits and vegetables everyday is one of the most important things you can do for your health. A diet rich in fresh produce offers more energy, better weight management and possible protection from diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.  Encouraging young gardeners  may be beneficial because they know what they grow and are willing to try a wider range of fruits and vegetables…Yes!

Realistic Lifestyle Incorporation: You can easily turn almost any space into a green space. There are several types of flowers both annual (plant yearly) and perennial (plant once and it comes back season after season) that can be planted in containers or baskets if you’re limited on space. On a rainy day, head to the library for inspiration, there are books dedicated to all types of gardens.  You can grow an edible garden on your porch using fruit boxes, pots or old basins and buckets. Kitchen windows make great places to grow fresh herbs. The UW Extension offers a community garden. For a small fee you get everything you need to grow and harvest your own plot. Contact the Taylor County UW Extension, USDA Service Center at (715)748- 3327 for availability and information. Like the seeds you are planting, start small and grow with your garden.


The GOOD FOR YOUR PLANTS RECIPE we’ve selected this month comes from a recommended reading article in the February 2012 issue of Country  Living Magazine. In a new book by Gayla Trail called Easy Growing, the yougrowgirl.com blogger shares an organic approach to cultivating herbs and edible flowers

A Simple Recipe for All-Natural Fertilizer

1. Place a large bunch of roughly chopped fresh herbs in a bucket and add water (the ideal ratio is four parts water to one part herbs). Stir vigorously.

2.  Set the mixture aside for three days, stirring it a few times each day.

3. Strain out the herbs, and toss them into your compost bin or lay atop the soil around needy plants. Then spray the full-strength liquid directly onto plant leaves, or add a few cups to a watering can and pour around roots.


After all the gardening you’ll be doing the SALONSPA SERVICE TO EXPERIENCE is a MANICURE. Like most of the spa services a salon or spa has to offer,  manicures have traditionally been thought of as an indulgence and something only women have done. We’re here with a little insider info to say it isn’t so. Along with having great looking hands and nails, both women AND men can enjoy the health benefits that can be gained from regular manicures!

What Is It: By definition , a manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands performed by a licensed cosmetologist or nail technician. A manicure treatment can be just for the hands or nails, or can be for both.

What We Do: At Eartha Naturals SalonSpa we offer two natural nail services - the Short and Sweet Manicure where your hands and nails are cleaned, shaped to your preference, smoothed and polished . In the Element Eartha Manicure we cover all of the basics of the Short and Sweet but we take it up a notch and include exfoliation, massage and deep hydration with eco-fin while you relax and inhale the signature aroma of Eartha. We offer Spa Ritual Nail Color because we like the eco-friendly, vegan philosophy the company embraces (www.sparitual.com).

Why We Like It:Manicures promote the health of the nails and hands and there is an added benefit to the mind by allowing you to forget the day to day grind for awhile. There are various diseases of the nail that are preventable with regular manicures. Fungal infections, ingrown nails, misshapen nails and hard or brittle nails are among issues that can be solved with regular hand and nail maintenance.  Keeping your nails looking healthy and strong makes your hands more aesthetically pleasing. Having attractive hands and nails can evoke a sense of self confidence in a person which can impact other aspects of life. Manicures at Eartha are a great way to unwind and relax. The atmosphere here (and the accompanying hand massage) can melt away any stress.

*Mention you’ve read Wellness Wednesday and we’ll take 10% your next manicure service*


Thanks for reading this edition of Wellness Wednesday. This is brought to you by the Beauty and Wellness Professionals of Earth Naturals SalonSpa which is owned and operated by BellaZenn Enterprises, LLC. If you have any question please email us at

earthasalonspa@yahoo.com. If you haven’t already, be sure to “like” Eartha Naturals SalonSpa on Facebook! You can follow our Wellness Wednesday blog at, bellazennsalonspa.wordpress.com. We 5hope your day is wonderfully well!